Pioneering new coffee pod recycling service comes to Horsham District

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Horsham District Council is launching a new scheme to help residents recycle used coffee pods.

coffee pod recycling service

The new coffee pod recycling service will help support the Council’s aims to reduce waste, increase recycling and achieve carbon savings to help tackle climate change.

It is the latest in a series of innovative recycling initiatives from the Council, including the kerbside weekly collection of batteries and bookable collection of textiles and small electrical items as well as a recent food waste collection trial.

Commenting on the new scheme Horsham District Council’s Cabinet Member for Recycling and Waste Cllr Toni Bradnum said:

"We have a really good track record for recycling in the Horsham District thanks to ongoing efforts by our environmentally conscious residents.

As a council we are always looking for innovative ways to recycle items and avoid them going to waste and like to empower our residents to make more climate friendly decisions where we can.

Previously coffee pods have been a difficult item to dispose of sustainably, so I’m sure the new service will be really welcomed by local people.

This is a free service for residents who will need to sign up for collections via the established booking service, making it really easy for them to participate at home whilst helping the Council increase the amount it recycles."

Not-for-profit recycling organisation Podback, which is partnering with the Council to deliver the service, was created in partnership with coffee pod system manufacturers including Nespresso, NESCAFE Dolce Gusto and Tassimo. Free collection bags will be provided by Podback for participants.

Rick Hindley, Podback’s Executive Director said:

2We are delighted to welcome Horsham residents to Podback.  We know that the most convenient way for people to recycle their coffee pods is as part of their Council’s regular service, so we hope the service will prove popular and are sure it will make an important contribution towards the Council’s environmental objectives."

A leaflet with further details will be sent to all residents at the end of January 2023 ahead of the launch of the service in February 2023.

For more information see:

Article Tags: #horshamdistrictcouncil

By Gavin Hewins,

Published Jan. 30, 2023, 5 p.m.