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As mentioned on our 'About' page, Visit Horsham membership is so much more than simply being a directory listing on our website - but the member's profile is the root of everything else involved.

When a new member joins Visit Horsham, we begin by crafting a profile that best communicates their message to our audience. We do this with our own custom database-driven code to display data that may include text, images, links, tags, maps, news, events, offers, and more.

We highly optimise Visit Horsham and each member profile for Search Engine Optimisation; indeed, many of our members tell us that SEO benefits alone more than justify the modest membership fee.

All our member profiles receive links from multiple other pages within Visit Horsham, including Category, Location, Product & Services, Events, News, Offer pages, and more.

Once a new member is happy with their profile, we will introduce them to the 33,000+ followers of our Facebook page and invite them into our private members-only group.

We regularly communicate with our members informing them of opportunities to promote themselves to our audience. In most cases, this will be at no monetary cost to them and will not involve us 'upselling' additional services, etc. A simple example would be inviting them to feature on one of our regular 'focus' posts that involve us collectively featuring members of the same category or location etc.

Community Engagement is at the heart of what we do at Visit Horsham, and we encourage our members to participate in as many as they can. Our Community Engagements page lists events, campaigns, or other activities that involve multiple Visit Horsham members and benefit, or are open to, the entire Horsham District community. We at Visit Horsham often take an active role in these ourselves that goes beyond simply listing them on our site.

By joining Visit Horsham, our members are giving something back to the community, either directly through the community engagements they participate in - or indirectly by helping this site grow, which in turn funds our own community contributions.

Members who participate in 5 or more community engagements are automatically awarded Horsham Community Champion status.

