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Join our Easter Trail by following the town centre map which takes you to twenty business destinations. You can get a beautiful colour map FREE on the inside front page of March’s Horsham District Magazine – or download it below.

Find 20 pink Easter Bunnies in the windows of our various Horsham Town Centre Businesses, each one has a clue in its name. Find the special coloured letter in the bunny's name and write it on the map. Once you have collected all the letters, you need to re arrange them to make a phrase. Here’s a clue….. use the same coloured letters for each word. Enter the answer by clicking on the link here and if you want to be entered into our prize draw to win some fabulous prizes don’t forget to leave your name, email address and contact number.

If you find the large Easter Egg that is filled with treats somewhere in Horsham Town Centre – write down where it is and how many treats you think are inside to be in with a chance to win this too!