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TMC Horsham Walking Club

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Horsham Park

April 11, 2025 | 10 a.m.

Join us for our monthly Walking Club. Take some time for YOU - to get some fresh air, enjoy a hot coffee and chat with other fabulous women like you, who happen to be mums.
We will be meeting at North Parade car park in Horsham Park.

We have teamed up with the wonderful Italian Coffee Guy, who provides the most delicious Italian coffee and treats from the cutest little coffee van in North Parade Car Park. We will grab our coffee and treat around 10am, then look to start walking around Horsham Park shortly after. Stops for feeding etc. always welcome!

Event Venue:Horsham Park

Event Promoter:The Mum Club Horsham

Event Tags: #clubsandactivities #fitnesswellbeing

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