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Marti Pellow: Pellow Talk

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The Capitol

Oct. 20, 2022 | 7:30 p.m.

I’m inviting you to spend an intimate evening with me – think of it as coming back to my place for a night of stories and songs.

Pellow Talk is a chance to learn all about me, not just as a singer and songwriter with Wet Wet Wet, but as a boy and a man. It’s a chance to understand the DNA of the hits that we’ve listened to and loved over the years.

The evening will be wrapped in music, from songs you know to ones you’ll get to know. There’ll be laughter as we travel from the banks of the River Clyde to the top of the charts, then onto Broadway and beyond. There’ll be no mask and no character.

I hope you come and spend some time with me. Enough living has been done for a life to unfold. Enough years have passed for a story to be told.

Event Venue:The Capitol

Event Promoter:The Capitol

Event Tags: #cinemasandtheatres #livemusic #livetalks


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