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Breathwork Session

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Meadows Wellbeing

Dec. 14, 2024 | 2 p.m.

Time to take a deep breath! Are you feeling like you need some calm and maybe a lovely rest and reset?

If so, we have a couple of spaces on our next Breathwork session with Alan from Breatherapy this Saturday 12th October 2-4pm here at Meadows Wellbeing in Billingshurst.

It's a lovely space to decompress and learn how powerful your breath can be in helping to reduce anxiety and improve sleep to name a few benefits! It's deeply relaxing and restorative too...any tension will melt away. Alan is a very experienced breathwork practitioner and will guide you through the session - with lots of advice and practical tips to enable you to incorporate what you have learnt into your everyday life.

To book please call our reception team on 01403 786081 during opening hours (Monday to Friday 8am-7pm and Saturday 9am-1pm) or email info@meadowswellbeing.com

Event Venue:Meadows Wellbeing

Event Promoter:Meadows Wellbeing

Event Tags: #fitnesswellbeing

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