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2nd Annual HFC Beer Festival

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March 4, 2023 | 11 a.m.

The 2nd annual Horsham Football Club Beer Festival is just one week away!

It all kicks-off next Friday 3rd March with our quiz night in the clubhouse.

Teams of up to six can enter for £10 per team and get early access to the festival beers. Hurry – there aren’t many tables left! Contact admin@horshamfc.co.uk to book.

The festival continues at our match against Haringey Borough on Saturday 4th of March. We open at 12 noon and continue until late. There will be live Premier League football on the big screen both before and after the match and there will be live music from 5pm.

We will be open on Sunday for live Premier League football, including Liverpool vs. Manchester United. Any festival beer that remains will be available.

We can now reveal the line-up of ten breweries from Horsham and further afield across Sussex and Surrey that are supplying the 12 cask and keg beers that will be on offer:

Arundel Brewery
Bedlam Brewery
Brolly Brewing
Dorking Brewery
Firebird Brewing
Horsham Brewery Company
Kissingate Ales
Langham Brewery
Lister’s Brewery
Surrey Hills Brewery

Plus we will have Silly Moo cider on offer from Trenchmore Farm near Horsham

Particpating:Horsham Football Club

Particpating:Firebird Brewing Co

Event Tags: #breweriesandofflicenses #daysout #featuredevent #festival #foodanddrink #footballclubs #livemusic #quiz

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