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Henfield Computer Club

About Henfield Computer Club:

If you’re not currently grocery shopping online and
would like help to get started, pop along to one of
the Computer Club weekly meetings and they can
help you out. Most of the supermarket chains offer
an online service with home delivery so there’s a
wide choice. Access to the various supermarkets
online is similar, but all with slight differences. We
will take you through these differences.
The club is for anyone interested in improving their
use of a computer device, be it a laptop, tablet or
phone, Microsoft, Android or Apple.
Membership is £5 per year and £2 for each session
attended. This includes refreshments. Non-members
£3 per session. Once a member you can attend any
week for help and advice.

Where: Garden Room, Henfield Hall
When: Every Wed 10am - 12pm
Tel: 01273 494822 / 01273 758776
Email: henfieldcomputerclub@gmail.com

