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Guided Heritage Walks

Visit Horsham > Events > Guided Heritage Walks

The Horsham Society

Sept. 22, 2024 | 2:30 p.m.

Spring seems to have arrived in Horsham and that means it’s the time of year when the Horsham Society Guided Heritage Walks recommence.

The walks take place every Wednesday and Sunday afternoon, until 29th September.

Just meet the guide outside Horsham Museum in Causeway at 2:30pm. The walks take approx. 90 minutes, are free and no booking is required.

You can even bring your dog as well!

With over 750 years of recorded history, you are guaranteed to find out things about Horsham that you never knew.

Event Venue:The Horsham Society

Event Promoter:The Horsham Society

Event Tags: #walks

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